

6 Ways to Overcome VR Sickness in VR Games like EAWRC and Dirt Rally

At long last, in April 2024, the masterpiece rally game "EAsports WRC" will become VR compatible.

In fact, I was one of those who splurged on a VR headset in the autumn of last year, eagerly anticipating the release of EAWRC.

However, when I decided to give the previous installment, Dirt Rally, a try, I ended up absolutely detesting VR due to the severe motion sickness it caused me.

Right after starting, I was immensely impressed by the immersive 3D experience. "Wow, this is so three-dimensional. Ha! I can see inside the car and the co-driver too! This is kind of amusing," I thought.  And 10 minutes later, I threw off the headset and collapsed onto my bed, lying motionless on my back with a serious expression. Although I used to get motion sickness as a child, I had overly confident that Dirt Rally would be different, especially since it was a game I had been deeply hooked on for over 2000 hours—it felt like a betrayal from a loved one. The nausea gradually subsided, but the watery eyes persisted for much longer.

That’s the story.

Perhaps you've experienced something similar?

However, through trial and error, I have managed to overcome the sickness completely, and I am now happily awaiting the day when EAWRC supports VR.

Just like someone who used to dread bus trips as a child because of motion sickness, I have found ways to enjoy playing VR. Below, I’ll share the causes of VR sickness and specific countermeasures that have helped me, hoping they can help you too.

Exploring the Causes of Motion Sickness

👆I'm here running, yet not running...

Scientifically, the cause of motion sickness is attributed to a "mismatch of sensory input".

Let's break down what this means and how it leads to the feeling of nausea.

◇Sensory Mismatch

In our daily lives, our brains store certain patterns of sensory combinations.

When perceptions match these established patterns, everything feels normal.

However, when playing VR, we encounter completely different sensory patterns, leading to confusion in the brain.

The reason why reading in a car or getting seasick happens is due to the balance sensation constantly receiving shaking stimuli, despite the visual perception not catching significant movement information.

Deviations from everyday sensory patterns cause motion sickness.

◇The Crisis of Poisoning

But why do new sensory patterns make us want to vomit? Why do we feel nauseous or break into a sweat?

This is purely speculative, but when the brain detects a discrepancy from normal sensory patterns, it might mistake it as "Poison! I've ingested poison!!". The primary reason for such mysterious sensations of floating is attributed to consuming something dangerous. The brain panics, thinking "I'm going to die! Vomit it out—now!"

Considering the past, when food quality wasn't always guaranteed, and even historical figures faced poisoning threats, having a defense mechanism against toxins was crucial. However, this reflex has remained overly active into modern times, causing false alarms with new technologies like VR.

With this perspective, preventing VR sickness could be a matter of the brain learning and saving the VR sensory patterns as "normal" and not a sign of being poisoned.

Next, let's look at the countermeasures.


Countermeasures—Installing VR Sensory Patterns

👆Look where you're going

Given the reasons behind motion sickness, the solutions can be summarized into two approaches:

1. Teaching your brain that the discrepancy in sensory information during VR play is not harmful, but just another type of sensory pattern.
2. Directly reducing the discrepancy in sensory information.

Here's how I completely overcame VR sickness with specific strategies:

1.Gradual Exposure

The key to installing VR sensory patterns is to gradually increase the time you're exposed to them.

Unlike a school trip where you have to stay on the bus for hours, with VR, you can stop as soon as you feel sick and try again another day. What initially might only be bearable for 10 minutes can extend to 20 minutes, then 40, and eventually an hour.

While playing, remind yourself, "This isn't poison. It's a harmless sensory pattern." People don't stay perpetually susceptible to motion sickness; consistent exposure will successfully install the right patterns in your brain.

2.Choose Your Timing Wisely

Be careful with the timing. Getting sick in the morning or during the day can ruin the rest of your day. If you play before bed, you can just sleep off any sickness.

Personally, I feel less sick when I'm tired or about to sleep, perhaps because the brain attributes the sensory mismatch to being tired or sleepy, and then I can easily fall asleep. It's like "sleep VR" instead of a nightcap.

3.Use Wind for Physical Sensation

This is about reducing the discrepancy in sensory information. While not a fundamental solution, it helps extend playtime and familiarize yourself with VR controls.

The first method involves using wind.

When you're carsick, opening a window can help because feeling the wind on your body provides a sense of movement, which can alleviate sickness. Aim a fan at yourself.

4.Look Ahead

Distant scenery moves less, so looking into the distance can prevent significant sensory mismatches. Conversely, looking directly at the sides makes the scenery rush by, increasing the mismatch and making you feel sicker.

👆Don't look to the sides

Especially in rally games, when drifting or crab walking, the front scenery shifts dramatically to the side, and glancing at this can cause severe discomfort. Hairpin turns performed with a handbrake are particularly challenging. Since VR allows you to look sideways, try to quickly turn your head to keep your gaze ahead where you're moving.

5.Prefer High-Speed Tracks Over Low-Speed Ones

You'll clearly experience less motion sickness on tracks that allow you to speed straight ahead, compared to tracks with numerous hairpins prone to causing drifts. Furthermore, tarmac courses tend to induce even less sickness.

In the context of Dirt Rally, Spain or Poland would be recommended. Argentina and New Zealand, with their slower and more treacherous tracks, are less advisable.

For EAWRC players, Spain and Estonia come highly recommended, while Greece, for instance, might pose a higher risk.

6.Adjusting Controls and Environment

Difficulty in viewing or awkward controls can distract you, causing you to inadvertently focus on the fast-moving scenery. Getting accustomed to VR controls and creating an environment where you can concentrate solely on not getting sick is crucial.

Particularly, assign the "view reset" function to an easily accessible button. If you feel the view is too close or too high, move your head forward, backward, up, or down to quickly adjust it. The reset view button can be configured in the controller settings, along with other options like the accelerator.

Before starting, adjust the headset properly as the viewpoint resets based on its position. For instance, if you feel the view is slightly to the left, you can reset it slightly to the right.


Summary: Sickness Turns to Euphoria


The steps I took were roughly as follows:

Day 1, Day 2: Immediate sweating and nausea. The sensation of floating while turning hairpins overwhelmed me, forcing a retreat after 10 minutes.

Day 3: I managed around 40-50 minutes, though I still felt somewhat queasy.

Days 4-7: I could play for longer periods. The sensation of "playing a game" began to emerge, caring about times and rankings. After an hour, the worst symptoms were just teary eyes and a slight fog in my head.

From day 7 on: Comfortable! Even pleasantly exhilarating. I could easily return to everyday life after playing.

It took about 7 days in total, with around 4-5 hours of playtime to fundamentally overcome the motion sickness.

The key is gradually increasing experience while minimizing sensory discrepancies and sneakily extending playtime to install VR-specific sensory patterns in the brain. Continuous play ensures proper adaptation.

Once accustomed, VR truly becomes fascinating. You might have heard about slopes in skiing, for instance, "30 degrees feels vertical when you're up there! Like a cliff!"

This perception difference is stark in VR. Places that seemed like mild slopes in 2D feel like sheer cliffs in VR, making it thrilling to race down them. Corners that seemed oddly difficult to navigate in 2D reveal their complex, uneven surfaces in VR, explaining the challenge.

While in English we refer to it as "motion sickness," the Japanese term "酔う" (to become drunk or intoxicated) seems to describe it more aptly. Much like with alcohol, the initial discomfort can eventually give way to a distinct, even enjoyable, state of exhilaration once you acclimate.

Now, dive into EAWRC, a top-tier Scotch born in Britain, and savor it fully. In a pleasant state of intoxication, race through tracks around the world—from Monaco to Kenya, Mexico to Italy, Norway to Indonesia—blurring the lines between reality and game, the everyday and the extraordinary, the virtual and the real!!!

【"Cheat"GPT Tips】A Trick to Quickly Return to the Top of a Long Chat Page

When browsing web pages, the Control + Home key is a convenient shortcut to return to the top of the page. Mouse scrolling is useful for minor movements, but for longer scrolls, it becomes cumbersome, requiring use beyond just the fingertips, extending to the base of the fingers.

However, since the fall of 2023, the functionality of Control + Home, Control + End, and related Page Up/Down keys has been completely disabled on ChatGPT pages. This makes it particularly inconvenient when trying to review the conversation history, as it always displays the end of the conversation, prompting moments of, "What did we say at the beginning again?"

Nonetheless, I have recently discovered a workaround.

It involves clicking the button that is circled (in essence, the button to return to the end of the page).



By pressing this ↓ button, the page initially scrolls down, but then, for some reason that is not entirely clear, keys related to page navigation like Control + Home start working again.

To reiterate,

1. Scroll up the page slightly.

2. The ↓ button appears as the bottom of the page becomes partially obscured.

3. Deliberately press it once to scroll the page down.

4. This action somehow enables the unrestricted use of browser navigation buttons like 5. Control + Home and Page Up.

This is what it's all about.

It feels like a true workaround, tricking the program in a way. While GPTs and video generation are well and good, lately there have been issues when entering long texts into text forms, and above all, I really wish they would focus on solidifying these basic aspects of the UI first.

Razones por las cuales Tamiya Honda RC166 es el modelo de plástico definitivo en la historia, tan increíble que puedes comprar 5 de ellos

En tiempos modernos, cuando a menudo nos vemos atrapados en diversas preocupaciones, es común encontrar que es mejor hacer otra cosa mientras esperamos que pase el tiempo en lugar de quedarnos pensando en los problemas.

Lo que recomiendo encarecidamente es el Honda RC166 de Tamiya.

A pesar de que normalmente soy frío de corazón, me conmoví profundamente y derramé una lágrima por este modelo de plástico. De hecho, compré y construí 5 de estos modelos.


👆A simple vista, podría confundirse con algo vendido por un revendedor...!

No hay muchas personas que hayan comprado 5 del mismo modelo de plástico. Pero este modelo es tan adictivo y ofrece una experiencia tan sublime que cambió mi perspectiva de la vida.

👆En el Mundial de Fútbol de 2022, Marc Márquez estuvo viendo el partido entre España y Japón. Antes del juego, apareció vistiendo la camiseta de Japón y bromeó diciendo: "¿Quién nos paga el salario?" (Por supuesto, fue una broma y rápidamente se cambió a la camiseta de España). La RC213V de Marc Márquez también está conectada con esta RC166.


Por qué el "HONDA RC166 GP Racer" de Tamiya es increíble.

Primero, permítanme presentarles 5 encantos de este modelo de plástico.

Punto recomendado 1: ¡Construcción increíblemente detallada!

En primer lugar, lo sorprendente es el motor de 6 cilindros de Honda. ¡Tamiya finalmente se ha puesto serio! El nivel de detalle es asombroso. El número de piezas es completamente diferente de otros modelos de motocicletas.

👆¡Todo esto se convierte en el motor!

👆¡Mira, se va armando de a poco!

Además, las ruedas de la motocicleta están diseñadas con radios que necesitan ser ensamblados, lo que hace que el proceso sea desafiante pero, en última instancia, muy gratificante cuando exclamas "¡Guau!" una vez que está terminado.

👆Esto tiene apenas 5 cm de ancho


Punto recomendado 2: ¡Puedes construirlo con poca o ninguna pintura!


Este es el producto terminado de cuando construí el RC166 por primera vez. Solo utilicé dos tipos de pintura: aerosol plateado y aerosol rojo. Además, apliqué un recubrimiento transparente. Con solo estos tres, puedes crear una motocicleta que se ve muy bien.


Punto recomendado 3: ¡Incluso los principiantes pueden construirlo adecuadamente!

De ninguna manera soy un experto en modelos de plástico. Soy escritor. Sin embargo, pude completar el RC166, lo que me pareció increíble. Si solo quieres disfrutar del proceso de construcción, incluso los principiantes pueden hacerlo adecuadamente. Incluso puede ser divertido desafiarse a sí mismo y ver cuánto puede mejorar el producto terminado con herramientas limitadas.


Punto recomendado 4: ¡Puedes construirlo de manera minuciosa y auténtica!

El RC166 se puede construir de una manera verdaderamente auténtica. A pesar de su escala 1/12, tiene todas las piezas de detalle disponibles, desde una cadena completamente funcional hasta los radios individuales de los radios de las ruedas. (Los detalles se discuten más adelante).

Armar la cadena pieza por pieza es bastante interesante. Cuando hice el tercero, sentí que "¡Quiero hacer uno completamente con piezas de detalle!"

👆¡Usa la plantilla incluida para hacer la cadena!

👆¡La sensación cuando lo colocas es increíble!

Si quieres mejorar tus habilidades y prestar atención a los detalles, el RC166 tiene la profundidad para acomodar ese entusiasmo.

Punto recomendado 5: ¡Experimenta la genialidad de los buenos tiempos y el alma de los ingenieros!

Por encima de todo, la genialidad de esta moto. ¿Qué es? Te hace sentir los días de gloria de Honda, un fabricante japonés líder. Las motos de carreras actuales como MotoGP son bastante geniales, pero el motor y el diseño general, creado a través de la meticulosa investigación de los ingenieros en un momento en que la tecnología aún era limitada, aún poseen una belleza funcional intensa y atemporal.

Nosotros, quienes trabajamos con varias herramientas convenientes en la era de internet, podríamos sentir que este modelo de plástico tiene algo que enseñarnos.

A medida que lo construyes, te darás cuenta de que ya no estás creando solo un modelo de plástico o incluso un RC166.

Lo que estás construyendo es la "alta aspiración" de un ingeniero llamado Soichiro Honda, lleno de pasión por el progreso y una búsqueda incansable de velocidad.


En resumen, he presentado el kit de modelo de plástico Honda RC166, con el que me he obsesionado tanto que he comprado cinco de ellos mientras vivo un día de 25 horas en mi habitación.


¿Qué te parece?

Es como una estación de tren ahora.

Puede que pienses que es ridículo construir cinco kits iguales, pero una vez que construyas uno tú mismo, seguramente te identificarás con mis sentimientos y comprenderás lo asombroso que es este modelo de plástico.




Si te pareció interesante mi contenido, ¡considera invitarme a un café!

Reasons why Tamiya Honda RC166 is the ultimate plastic model in history, so incredible that you can buy 5 of them

In modern times, when we often get caught up in various worries, it's common to find it better to do something else while waiting for time to pass rather than dwelling on problems.

What I highly recommend is Tamiya's Honda RC166.

Even though I'm usually cold-hearted, I was deeply moved and shed a tear for this plastic model. In fact, I bought and built 5 of these models.


👆At a glance, it might be mistaken for something sold by a reseller...!

Not many people have bought 5 of the same plastic model. But this model is so addictive and offers such a sublime experience that it changed my outlook on life.

If you found my content interesting, please consider buying me a coffee!


Why Tamiya's "HONDA RC166 GP Racer" is amazing.

First, let me introduce 5 charms of this plastic model.

First of all, the amazing thing is the 6-cylinder engine of Honda. Tamiya has finally gotten serious! The level of detail is astounding. The number of parts is completely different from other motorcycle models.

👆All of this becomes the engine!

👆Look, it's coming together gradually!

Furthermore, the motorcycle's wheels are designed with spokes that need to be assembled, making the process challenging but ultimately very rewarding as you exclaim, "Wow!" once it's completed.

👆This is a mere 5cm wide


This is actually the finished product from when I first built the RC166. I only used two types of paint: silver spray and red spray. Additionally, I applied a clear coating. With just these three, you can create a motorcycle that looks great.


I am by no means a plastic model expert. I am a writer. Yet, I was able to complete the RC166, which I found unbelievable. If you just want to enjoy the process of building, even beginners can do it sufficiently. It can even be fun to challenge yourself and see how much you can improve the finished product with limited tools.


The RC166 can be built in a truly authentic manner. Despite its 1/12 scale, it has all the detail-up parts available, from a fully functional chain to the individual spokes of the wheel spokes. (Details are discussed later).

Building the chain piece by piece is quite interesting. By the time I made the third one, I felt like "I want to make one entirely with detail-up parts!"

👆Use the included jig to make the chain!

👆The feeling when you attach it is amazing!!

If you want to improve your skills and pay attention to details, the RC166 has the depth to accommodate that enthusiasm.


Above all, the coolness of this bike. What is it? It makes you feel the glory days of Honda, a leading Japanese manufacturer. Today's racing bikes like MotoGP are quite cool, but the engine and the overall design, created through the painstaking research of engineers during a time when technology was still limited, still possess a timeless, intense functional beauty.

We, who work with various convenient tools in the internet age, might feel as if this plastic model has something to teach us.

As you build it, you'll realize that you're not just creating a plastic model or even an RC166 anymore.

What you're building is the "high aspiration" of an engineer named Soichiro Honda, filled with passion for progress and a relentless pursuit of speed.


In summary, I've introduced the Honda RC166 plastic model kit, which I've become so obsessed with that I've purchased five of them while living a 25-hour day in my sleeping quarters.

As a legendary bike from the iconic Isle of Man TT races, the RC166 holds a special place in the hearts of British motorcycle enthusiasts. So, to all our UK readers and English-speaking model builders worldwide, why not give this fantastic plastic model kit a try? If you're British, it's an absolute must to take on the challenge of creating this iconic piece of motorcycle history at least once!


What do you think?

It's like a train station now.

You might think it's ridiculous to build five of the same kits, but once you build one yourself, you'll surely empathize with my feelings and understand just how amazing this plastic model is.



If you found my content interesting, please consider buying me a coffee!

Presiona y duerme: !Los 11 mejores puntos de acupresion para aliviar el insomnio al instante!


?Tienes problemas para dormir?

En el mundo actual, la economia mundial funciona las 24 horas del dia, lo que dificulta mantener un horario de sueno fijo.

En este articulo, presentaremos algunos puntos de acupresion recomendados para aquellos que luchan contra la privacion del sueno.

Abordaremos puntos de acupresion que ayudan a conciliar el sueno y aquellos que alivian la falta de sueno en orden. !Ten cuidado de no presionar los puntos equivocados!

?Como masajear los puntos de acupresion?

Como la estructura osea y muscular de cada persona es diferente, la ubicacion estandar de los puntos de acupresion puede variar de una persona a otra. Es importante confiar en tu sentido del tacto para encontrar el lugar correcto. Notaras una diferencia clara en la sensacion cuando encuentres tu punto de acupresion. Ten en cuenta que la posicion del punto de acupresion puede cambiar segun cuando lo presiones y tu condicion fisica en ese dia.

Una vez que encuentres el punto de acupresion, presiona hacia el centro de tu cuerpo. Recomendamos presionar de forma intermitente durante 3-5 segundos cada vez. Aplica presion lentamente, presiona durante 3-5 segundos y suelta rapidamente. Ten cuidado de no presionar demasiado fuerte, ya que puede causar danos en la piel o el tejido muscular.

Presiona y duerme: puntos de acupresion para aliviar el insomnio

Echemos un vistazo a los puntos de acupresion que pueden ayudarte a conciliar el sueno rapidamente cuando no puedes dormir.

Dos puntos de acupresion para conciliar el sueno: "Anmian" y "Tianzhu"

El punto de acupresion mas efectivo para el insomnio se llama "Anmian", tambien conocido como la "depresion del craneo".


Este punto esta ubicado en lahendidura debajo de la protuberancia en la parte posterior de la cabeza. Ten cuidado de no presionar accidentalmente este punto mientras descansas la cabeza en el respaldo de una silla durante el trabajo de escritorio, ya que puede causarte somnolencia.


El otro punto, "Tianzhu", esta ubicado junto a la "depresion del craneo", aproximadamente a la anchura de tu pulgar de distancia.

Puntos de acupresion para aliviar la tension: "Neiguan" y "Daling"

Para aliviar la ansiedad, la preocupacion o la tension, recomendamos los puntos de acupresion Neiguan y Daling. La respiracion superficial suele ocurrir cuando estas tenso, por lo que es importante respirar profundamente y exhalar completamente mientras presionas estos puntos.


"Neiguan" esta ubicado en el lado interno de tu antebrazo, aproximadamente a tres anchos de dedo desde el pliegue de tu muneca. Presionar este punto puede ayudar a calmar tu mente y aliviar la ansiedad.


"Daling" esta ubicado en el lado de la palma de tu pliegue de la muneca, entre los dos tendones. Presionar este punto puede ayudar a aliviar el estres y la tension.

Para momentos en los que estas irritado y no puedes dormir: "Danchu"

Para controlar tus emociones y concentrar tu "qi", prueba el punto "Danchu".

Ayuda a estabilizar tu estado de animo y aliviar la irritabilidad.


Se encuentra en el centro de tu pecho, a la misma altura que tus pezones.

Puntos de acupresion recomendados para cuando tus piernas estan cansadas y no puedes dormir: "Ashi no Sanri" y "Youlingquan"

El agotamiento excesivo puede ser una causa de noches de insomnio, especialmente cuando tus piernas estan cansadas y doloridas por estar de pie todo el dia. Presionar estos puntos de acupresion de manera efectiva puede mejorar en gran medida la calidad de tu sueno.


"Ashi no Sanri" no es solo un punto para promover la salud de las piernas, sino tambien un punto de acupresion multiusos que ayuda en la digestion y absorcion. Se encuentra a cuatro anchos de dedo por debajo de la rodilla y a dos anchos de dedo hacia el exterior. Se dice que Matsuo Basho, un famoso poeta, aplico moxibustion en este punto antes de comenzar un viaje, lo que lo convierte en uno de los puntos de acupresion mas conocidos.

"Youlingquan" tambien es bastante agradable. Suaviza el flujo de meridianos, promueve la circulacion de "qi", aumenta el flujo sanguineo debajo de la rodilla y alivia la tension. Se encuentra en el hueco justo debajo del hueso sobresaliente en el lado externo de la pierna inferior.

!Precaucion! Puntos de acupresion para aumentar la atencion: !evita presionar estos antes de dormir!

A continuacion, presentamos los puntos de acupresion recomendados para cuando estas luchando con la concentracion debido a la falta de sueno durante el dia.

Evita presionar estos puntos antes de ir a la cama.

Puntos de acupresion para la falta de sueno: "Doushiryou" y "Baihui"

Por supuesto, para combatir la falta de sueno, lo mejor es dormir bien. Sin embargo, hay momentos en los que eso no es posible. Se recomiendan los puntos de acupresion "Doushiryou" en la esquina externa de los ojos y "Baihui" en la parte superior de la cabeza cuando desees sentirte mas alerta.


Presiona suavemente el area justo al lado de la esquina externa de tus ojos, a aproximadamente medio ancho de un pulgar de distancia. Deberias sentir que tus ojos se abren.


La parte superior de la cabeza, en la posicion central donde se cruzan las lineas que conectan las partes superiores de ambas orejas. Te ayudara a despejar la mente.

Puntos de acupresion para aumentar la concentracion: "Zhongji" y "Bishou"

"Zhongji" mejora la circulacion sanguinea y estimula el cerebro, mientras que "Bishou" estimula la cabeza y ayuda en la concentracion mental. Presiona estos puntos cuando sientas que te falta concentracion, independientemente de la falta de sueno, para ayudar a estimular tu cerebro.


Puede ser un poco dificil de ubicar en un "New Gundam". Es el area marcada con el circulo blanco, ubicada aproximadamente a cuatro anchos de pulgar debajo del ombligo.


Bishou se encuentra en la cabeza, cerca de la linea del cabello. De hecho, incluso Furuhata Ninzaburo presiona este punto con dos dedos mientras piensa.

Conclusion: Una tecnica secreta para mejorar los efectos de la acupresion

Hemos presentado puntos de acupresion para dormir mejor y aquellos que te ayudan a sentirte mas alerta.

Sin embargo, puede ser dificil encontrar tiempo para presionar estos puntos o es posible que olvides sus ubicaciones exactas cuando estes fuera. En tales casos, se recomienda el uso de pequenos imanes terapeuticos.

Al colocarse precisamente en el punto de acupuntura correcto, los pequenos imanes terapeuticos permanecen en su lugar durante mucho tiempo. Es mas probable que se desprendan si se colocan ligeramente fuera de lugar o en un area menos efectiva. En particular, se adhieren muy bien en el "Leg's Ashi no Sanri".


Por supuesto, la fuerza magnetica de los imanes ayuda a promover la circulacion sanguinea, pero la razon principal por la que recomiendo los pequenos imanes terapeuticos es que la firmeza del iman te permite aplicar una estimulacion efectiva al punto de acupuntura con un esfuerzo minimo al pensar en presionarlo. Presionar los puntos de acupuntura requiere cierta cantidad de fuerza, y puede resultar molesto cuando estas cansado. Pero con los pequenos imanes terapeuticos en su lugar, masajear se vuelve mucho mas facil.

Press and Sleep: The 11 Best Acupoints for Instant Insomnia Relief!


Having trouble sleeping?

In today's world, the world economy operates around the clock, making it difficult to stick to a set sleep schedule.

In this article, we will introduce some recommended acupoints for those struggling with sleep deprivation.

We will cover acupoints that help you fall asleep and those that help alleviate sleep deprivation in order. Be careful not to press the wrong ones!

How to massage the acupoints?

Since everyone's bone and muscle structure is different, the standard location of acupoints can vary from person to person. It's important to rely on your sense of touch to find the right spot. You will notice a distinct difference in sensation when you find your acupoint. Be aware that the position of the acupoint may change depending on when you press it and your physical condition on that day.

Once you find the acupoint, press towards the center of your body. We recommend pressing intermittently for 3-5 seconds at a time. Apply pressure slowly, press for 3-5 seconds, and release quickly. Be cautious not to press too hard, as it may cause damage to your skin or muscle tissue.

Press and Sleep: Acupoints for Insomnia Relief

Let's take a look at the acupoints that can help you fall asleep quickly when you can't sleep.

Two acupoints for falling asleep: "Anmian" and "Tianzhu"

The most effective acupoint for insomnia is called "Anmian," also known as the "depression of the skull."


This point is located in the indentation below the protrusion on the back of your head. Be careful not to accidentally press this point while resting your head against the backrest of a chair during desk work, as it may make you drowsy.


The other point, "Tianzhu," is located next to the "depression of the skull," about the width of your thumb away.

Acupoints to relieve tension: "Neiguan" and "Daling"

To alleviate anxiety, worry, or tension, we recommend the Neiguan and Daling acupoints. Shallow breathing often occurs when you are tense, so it's important to breathe deeply and exhale completely while pressing these points.


"Neiguan" is located on the inner side of your forearm, about three finger widths from your wrist crease. Pressing this point can help calm your mind and alleviate anxiety.


"Daling" is located on the palm side of your wrist crease, between the two tendons. Pressing this point can help relieve stress and tension.

For times when you're irritated and can't sleep - "Danchu"

To control your emotions and concentrate your "qi," try the "Danchu" point.

It helps stabilize your mood and ease irritability.


It's located at the center of your chest, at the same height as your nipples.

Overexhaustion can be a cause of sleepless nights, especially when your legs are tired and sore from standing all day. Pressing these acupoints effectively can greatly improve your sleep quality.


"Ashi no Sanri " is not only a point for promoting leg health but also an all-purpose acupoint that aids in digestion and absorption. It's located four finger widths below the knee and two finger widths to the outside. Matsuo Basho, a famous poet, is said to have applied moxibustion to this point before starting a journey, making it one of the most well-known acupoints.

"Youlingquan " is also quite pleasant. It smooths the flow of meridians, promotes "qi" circulation, increases blood flow below the knee, and relieves tension. It's located in the hollow just below the protruding bone on the outer side of the lower leg.

Caution: Acupoints to help you feel more alert?avoid pressing these before sleep!

Next, let's introduce the acupoints recommended for when you're struggling with concentration due to daytime sleep deprivation.

Avoid pressing these points before going to bed.

Acupoints for sleep deprivation: "Doushiryou" and "Baihui"

Of course, to combat sleep deprivation, it's best to get good quality sleep. However, there are times when that's not possible. The acupoints "Doushiryou" at the outer corner of the eyes and "Baihui" on the top of the head are recommended for when you want to feel more alert.


Gently press the area just next to the outer corner of your eyes, about half a thumb's width away. You should feel your eyes opening up.


The top of the head, at the center position where lines connecting the tops of both ears intersect. It will help clear your head.

Acupoints for increasing concentration: "Zhongji" and "Bishou"

"Zhongji" improves blood circulation and stimulates the brain, while "Bishou" stimulates the head and aids in mental focus. Press these points when you feel your concentration is lacking, regardless of sleep deprivation, to help stimulate your brain.


It might be a bit difficult to locate on a "New Gundam." It's the area marked by the white circle, located about four thumb widths below the navel.


Bishou is located on the head, near the hairline. Indeed, even Furuhata Ninzaburo presses this point with two fingers while thinking.

Conclusion: A secret technique to enhance the effects of acupressure

We've introduced acupoints for better sleep and those to help you feel more alert.

However, it can be difficult to find the time to press these points, or you might forget their exact locations when you're outside. In such cases, using small therapeutic magnets is recommended.

When placed precisely on the correct acupoint, small therapeutic magnets stay in place for a long time. They are more likely to come off if placed slightly off the mark or on a less effective area. In particular, they stick very well on the "Leg's Ashi no Sanri".


Of course, the magnets' magnetic force helps promote blood circulation, but the main reason I recommend small therapeutic magnets is that the magnet's firmness allows you to apply effective stimulation to the acupoint with minimal effort when you think about pressing it. Pressing acupoints requires a certain amount of force, and it can be bothersome when you're tired. But with small therapeutic magnets in place, massaging becomes much easier.

¡Los seis controladores de volante que necesitas para DirtRally ! ¡Seguro que estarás de acuerdo!

Controladores de volante 3 ¡ventajas!

Un controlador de volante es un periférico, no un juego en sí mismo. El hecho de que sean bastante caros te hace dudar en comprar uno, ¿verdad?

¿Cuáles son las ventajas de un volante sobre un controlador normal o el funcionamiento del teclado?


※para japonés これはスペイン語で書かれている記事なのである。日本育ちなら多分以下のページの方が読みやすいだろう。

◇Ventaja n.º 1: ¡es muy divertido!

De todos modos, girar el manillar y correr es solo una palabra: diversión. Por supuesto, uno de los placeres es establecer un récord, pero operar el automóvil con el volante y ver el paisaje a tu alrededor es una tarea muy agradable en sí misma.


◇Ventaja n.º 2: ¡el tiempo aumenta!

Por supuesto, el controlador de volante también mejora el récord.

Con un controlador analógico, es demasiado difícil conducir a través de curvas de alta velocidad con muchas curvas sutiles.

La razón por la que siempre te estrellas en los cursos de alta velocidad y tus tiempos no mejoran es porque tienes un problema con la "fineza" del controlador.</p

👆los volantes tienen pedales, por supuesto. Si puedes usar tu pie izquierdo para frenar un poco cuando entras en una curva de alta velocidad demasiado rápido y no giras, podrás mejorar tu tiempo.


◇Ventaja n.º 3: ¡Es un ejercicio bastante bueno!

Debido a que el volante se opera naturalmente moviendo todo el cuerpo, es un ejercicio sorprendentemente bueno. En particular, el funcionamiento del acelerador de los pies y las piernas proporciona ejercicio para los dedos de los pies y otras partes del cuerpo. Puedes mantenerte en forma y saludable mientras juegas.

Además, últimamente hay muchos controles de handicap con una función llamada retroalimentación de fuerza, que se presentará más adelante, lo que hace que el volante sea más pesado en respuesta a la situación. No solo puedes disfrutar de una sensación realista, sino que tu cuerpo se sentirá cálido mientras lo giras con todas tus fuerzas.


¡Seis recomendaciones de controladores de volante!

¿Has entendido los beneficios de un controlador de volante?

¡Echemos un vistazo a los productos recomendados de inmediato!

◇N.º 1: ¡Tanta potencia que no puedes girarlo! Thrustmaster T150

Amazon.com.mx: T150

Amazon.es: T150

En resumen, el Thrustmaster T150 es el mejor en términos de precio y funcionalidad. Es un poco escaso en características para el jugador profesional, pero suficiente para la diversión festiva. También cuenta con una retroalimentación de fuerza súper fuerte para una sensación realista de conducción.

Al final, la razón por la que compré el t300, una versión más avanzada del t150, y ahora principalmente uso el t300, también fue porque el t150 era tan bueno.


◇N.º 2: Logitech G29, un producto clásico que cambió la sabiduría convencional del volante.

Amazon.com.mx: G29

Amazon.es: G29

Es el más fácil de usar. El punto clave de Logitech es que el programa de operación sigue siendo cuidadosamente elaborado. También uso Logitech para mis auriculares y mouse, y nunca tengo problemas para usarlos. Este tipo de gama media es la mejor opción cuando quieres usarlo de inmediato sin complicaciones.

La recomendación clave es la retroalimentación de fuerza. Cuando aparecieron por primera vez los controladores de vibración en el pasado, nos asombramos, pero ahora no está en ese nivel. La sensación de girar el volante pesado para cambiar la dirección del vehículo es algo que definitivamente quiero experimentar mientras aún estamos vivos.


◇N.º 3: Si buscas un producto de gama alta, el controlador de volante LogicoolG G923

Amazon.com.mx: G923

Amazon.es: G923

Logitech tipo de gama alta. Altamente sensible y de alta precisión para una experiencia de carreras mucho mejor que la gama media. Otro punto destacado es la facilidad para ajustar la sensibilidad del volante y los indicadores LED en el volante muestran las RPM del motor y otros detalles que seguramente mejorarán tu estado de ánimo.

Si eres un fanático serio de los juegos de carreras o simplemente quieres la mejor experiencia de conducción

◇No.4: Primero, ¡descubramos cuánta diversión pueden ser estos controladores de volante! Controlador de dirección PXN 180° V3IIB

Amazon.com.mx: PXN

Amazon.es: PXN

Permítanme también presentarles el tipo de entrada. No es difícil ver por qué algunas personas podrían mostrarse reacias a gastar más de 100 dólares en un juego de repente. El PXN es el mejor controlador para que estas personas comiencen.

De hecho, este es el primero que compré yo mismo.

👆Mirando hacia atrás, este fue el primer día que me enganché....

Es barato, pero perfectamente compatible con PC. Diría que es más fácil comenzar a usarlo que el Stratomaster T150 si está mal en que puedes simplemente conectarlo y usarlo. Básicamente no hay retroalimentación de fuerza ni nada por el estilo, pero hay mucha vibración. Los cambiadores de paletas también están bien equipados, lo que facilita el juego manual y secuencial. Como mínimo, el juego será más agradable que con un controlador analógico.

La desventaja es que falta FFB y la cantidad de rotación del volante es pequeña (90° por lado). En cualquier caso, es ideal para unas vacaciones llenas de diversión.


◇No.5: ¡Este somos nosotros, este es el controlador de volante! ahora el más estándar es Thrustmaster T300

Amazon.com.mx: T300 RS

Amazon.es: T300 RS

Esta es una versión mejorada del T150 descrito anteriormente.

¿Qué puntos son mejoras?

●La resolución del volante es más alta y la respuesta es más rápida.
●El programa de configuración está libre de peculiaridades.
●El volante se puede quitar para facilitar la personalización.
●Los pedales son más resistentes y están hechos de metal.
●Casi todos los juegos de autos son compatibles.
●El volante también es muy compatible con modificaciones como el SimHub.

Lo primero que cabe mencionar es que la 'resolución' del volante es alta. Hablando en términos generales, con el T150, solo reaccionaba en incrementos del 2%, "0%, 2%, 4%......", mientras que con el T300, era más fino, "0%, 1%, 2%......". Claramente hay una sensación de poder obtener una respuesta.

El programa de inicio del T300 también está libre de peculiaridades extrañas: con el T150, había momentos en los que a veces no respondía, o dejaba de reconocer sin previo aviso y tenía que reinstalar o volver a insertar el cable USB.

👆Programa de configuración. puedes cambiar la cantidad de ángulo de timón (←40-1080˚ en incrementos de 10˚!) y la fuerza del FFB se puede cambiar!!!


👆 Apertura. Otra diferencia con el T150 es que el volante está separado y se puede quitar.


👆 Cuerpo.


Se puede personalizar con otros volantes, que se venden por separado.


👆Volante predeterminado a la izquierda, complemento a la derecha que se vende por separado.

Además, incluso puede ser reemplazado por un volante modificado, por ejemplo, para automóviles comunes, aunque esto no es recomendado por el fabricante. Esto es lo que hace que el T300 sea único. (ver más abajo)

👆La instalación de un volante del fabricante MOMO (ver método a continuación).

También es diferente del T150 en que los pedales incluidos también son bastante resistentes. También viene con un embrague, por lo que un cambio en H hace que la dirección sea más agradable. El G29 también es un estándar de grado, por lo que se recomienda que muchos juegos sean compatibles con él.


◇No. 6 -- ¡La nueva versión de gama media de Thrustmaster! Thrustmaster T248

Amazon.com.mx: T248P

Amazon.es: T248P

Este es otro tipo de gama alta de Thrustmaster. Y es el producto más reciente con una fecha de lanzamiento del 2 de diciembre de 2021.

Lo que lo diferencia del T300 es que tiene una pantalla LED en el mango, que permite al usuario verificar las RPM y la fuerza de retroalimentación según corresponda. El T300 también tiene muchos botones en el mango, lo que lo hace muy fácil de usar, lo cual también se recomienda.

El punto más importante es que, como es el modelo más reciente, se ha perfeccionado con la mayor cantidad de comentarios de los clientes y otros comentarios. Por otro lado, debe tenerse en

cuenta que la cantidad de juegos que se pueden jugar con los modelos más nuevos se reduce.


¿Debería comprar pedales por separado? ¿Qué es mejor?

Thrustmaster vende un pedal separado llamado pedal T-LCM.

-No, el pedal que viene por defecto (pedal T3PA-GT) está bien.

Podrías pensar eso. Los pedales vendidos por separado tienen aproximadamente el mismo precio que comprar un controlador de volante individual, así que durante mucho tiempo dudé en comprarlos porque estaban en mi lista de "comprar más tarde".

Sin embargo, en cuanto puedes lograr cierto tiempo, sientes la frustración de no poder pisar los pedales correctamente. Llega el día en que te das cuenta de que eres claramente más rápido cuando puedes ajustar el llamado 'frenado en curva' y la aceleración y desaceleración con mayor precisión.

Y el pedal por defecto (T3PA-GT), no estoy seguro si es polvo o electricidad estática, pero a veces parece reconocer que has pisado el pedal aunque no lo hayas hecho. Por supuesto, puedes desmontarlo y limpiarlo, pero si ocurren tales síntomas, es hora de reemplazarlo en términos de tus habilidades en el juego.

👆 DiRT Rally 2.0 es un juego clásico de rally. No podía tomar estas largas curvas en las etapas españolas a velocidad constante y comenzaba a sentir la dificultad de pedalear, cuando vi un video de un buen conductor girando mientras mantenía los 82 km/h abriendo y cerrando sutilmente el acelerador, y finalmente volví a poner el T-LCM en mi carrito desde la lista de 'comprar más tarde'. Fue.

👆Llegó. La gran caja, del mismo tamaño que un conjunto de volantes, hizo palpitar mi corazón innegablemente.

👆Abierto. Viene con instrucciones y un resorte para cambiar la fuerza.

👆Es difícil operar con la bolsa en su lugar, así que, por supuesto, la sacamos. Cada pedal tiene un agujero, pero puedes cambiar la posición de sujeción para que el pedal quede un poco más alto o un poco hacia un lado.

👆 Parte trasera. El resorte de fuerza de frenado se puede cambiar con un par de minutos de trabajo.

👆Puerto de conexión. Es un poco difícil de ver, pero puedes conectarlo al dispositivo portátil Thrustmaster desde el cable incluido. Además, si se conecta a una PC a través de un cable USB, se pueden realizar ajustes de pedal desde el software de la PC y también se puede utilizar de forma independiente con otro volante que no sea de Thrustmaster.


Pedales Thrustmaster T-LCM

Amazon.com.mx: T-LCM

Amazon.es: T-LCM

Lo primero que grité cuando lo probé fue "¡Hurra! Lo primero que grité cuando lo probé fue "¡HURRA!"

El argumento de venta común para los pedales T-LCM es que puedes reemplazar la fuerza del pedal con un resorte. Sin embargo, lo que sentí como una diferencia más concreta entre el pedal por defecto y el pedal T-LCM fue la diferencia obvia en la fuerza de reconocimiento y la precisión del pedal.

La 'celda de carga', que detecta y muestra eléctricamente la fuerza y la masa, da la sensación de que se refleja instantáneamente cuando el acelerador está al 80%, al 90%, etc. (el pedal por defecto es reconocido por la cantidad de revoluciones de engranaje que se deprime el pedal).

En pocas palabras, con el pedal por defecto, había una sensación de que el juego reconocía aproximadamente el 80%, 90%, 100% y así sucesivamente, mientras que con el T-LCM, reconocía el 80%, 81%, 82% y así sucesivamente en incrementos del 1%, y esto se transmitía al juego de manera clara e instantánea. Esto es lo que se llama 'alta resolución'.

Como resultado, es posible aplicar los frenos solo un poco o medio freno, etc. Esto permite maniobras de conducción muy precisas. El juego se volvió aún más interesante, no solo por las mejoras en términos de tiempo, sino sobre todo porque la sensación de conducción se hizo más fuerte. Esto hizo que el juego fuera aún más interesante, por eso "¡YAY!!!"

cf.) ¿Qué es un sensor de celda de carga y cómo funciona? – Omega Engineering https://www.omega.com/en-us/resources/load-cells



👆T150. Algunos juegos de motos también se pueden jugar con un volante.

Es sorprendente que los juegos de volante, que en el pasado solo estaban disponibles en los centros de juegos, ahora se puedan jugar por solo unos pocos miles de dólares. Además, también se recomienda utilizar retroalimentación de fuerza, lo que dificulta o facilita girar el manillar.

👆Las notas de Da Vinci también mencionan el controlador de volante.

Si aún no te decides, el Stratomaster T150 es la mejor opción para ti en este momento, ya que es un poco más difícil de instalar y el precio se mantiene bajo al no anunciarse tanto.

The six steering wheel controllers you need, for WRC, and Sim Racings!!!! I'm sure you'll have agreed!!!!

Wheel controllers 3 advantages!!!

A steering wheel controller is a peripheral, not a game itself. The fact that they are quite expensive makes you hesitate to buy one, doesn't it?

What are the advantages of a steering wheel over an usual controller or keyboard operation?


※for japanese これは英語で書かれている記事なのである。日本育ちなら多分以下のページの方が読みやすいだろう。

◇Advantage No. 1 - it's a lot of fun!!!

Anyway, turning the handlebars and running is just one word: fun. Of course, it is one of the joys of setting a record, but operating the car with the steering wheel and watching the scenery around you flow by is a very enjoyable task in itself.


◇Advantage No. 2 - time increases!!!

Of course, the wheel controller also improves the record.

With an analogue controller, it is too difficult to drive through high-speed corners with many subtle curves.

The reason why you always crash on high speed courses and your times are not improving is because you have a problem with the "fineness" of the controller.

👆wheels have pedals, of course. If you can use your left foot to slow down a little bit when you are going into a high-speed corner too fast and not turning, you will be able to improve your time.


◇Advantage No. 3 -It's a pretty good excercise!!!!!

Because the wheel is naturally operated by moving the whole body, it is a surprisingly good exercise. In particular, the throttle operation of the feet and legs provides exercise for the toes and other parts of the body. You can keep fit and health while playing the game.

Furthermore, recently there are many handicap controls with a function called force feedback, which will be introduced later, which makes the steering wheel heavier in response to the situation. Not only can you enjoy a realistic feeling, but your body will feel warm as you turn it as hard as you can.


Six Steering wheel controller recommendations!!!!

Have you got the benefits of a steering wheel controller?

Let's take a look at the recommended products right awaaaay!!!

◇No.1 -- So much power you can't turn it!!!! Thrustmaster T150

Amazon.com: T150

Amazon.co.uk: T150

Amazon.fr: T150

In conclusion, the Thrustmaster T150 is the best in terms of price and functionality. It's a little short on features for the pro gamer, but just enough for holiday fun. It also has super-strong force feedback for a realistic driving feel.

In the end, the reason I bought the t300 , a higher-end version of the t150, and now i mainly use t300 was also because the t150 was soooooo good!!!!


◇No.2 --The Logitech G29, a classic product that changed the conventional wisdom of the Wheel.

Amazon.com: G29

Amazon.co.uk: G29

Amazon.fr: G29

It is the easiest to use. The key point of Logitech is that the operation programme is still carefully crafted. I also use Logitech for my headphones and mouse, and I never have any trouble using them. This middle-end type is the best choice when you want to use it right away without any hassle.

The key recommendation is the force feedback. When vibration controllers first appeared in the past, we were amazed, but now it's not at that level. The feeling of turning the heavy steering wheel to change the direction of the vehicle is something I definitely want to experience while we are still alive.


◇No.3 -- If you are looking for a high-end product, the LogicoolG steering wheel controller G923

Amazon.com: G923

Amazon.co.uk: G923

Amazon.fr: G923

Logitech high-end type. Highly responsive and highly accurate for a much better racing experience than the middle end. Another highlight is the ease of adjusting the steering sensitivity and The LED indicators on the steering wheel show engine RPMs and other details that will surely boost your mood.

If you are a serious fan of racing games or just want the best driving experience, you should choose the best handhelds.


◇No.4 -- First, let's find out just how much fun these wheel controllers can be! PXN 180° steering controller V3IIB

Amazon.com: PXN

Amazon.co.uk: PXN

Amazon.fr: PXN

Let me also introduce you to the entry type. It's not hard to see why people might be a little reluctant to spend more than 100$ on a game out of the blue. The PXN is the best controller for such people to start with.

In fact, this is the first one I bought myself.

👆Looking back, this was the first day I got hooked....

It's cheap, but perfectly compatible with PCs. I'd say it's easier to start using than the Stratomaster T150 if it's bad in that you can just plug it in and use it. There's basically no force feedback or anything like that, but there's plenty of vibration. The paddle shifters are also well equipped, making manual and sequential play easy. At the very least, the game will be more enjoyable than with an analogue controller.

The downside is that FFB is lacking, and the amount of steering wheel rotation is small (90° per side). At any rate, it's ideal for a fun-filled holiday.


◇No.5 -- This is us, this is wheel controller!!! now the most standard is Thrustmaster T300

Amazon.com: T300 RS

Amazon.co.uk: T300 RS

Amazon.fr: T300 RS

This is an upgraded version of the T150 described above.

Which points are upgrades?

●The resolution of the steering wheel is higher and the response is more responsive.
●The settings programme is free from peculiarities.
●The wheel can be removed for easy customisation.
●The pedals are sturdier and made of metal.
●Almost all car games are supported.
●The steering wheel is also very compatible with mods such as the SimHub.

The first obvious thing to say is that the 'resolution' of the steering wheel is high. Roughly speaking, with the T150, it only reacted in 2% increments, "0%, 2%, 4%......", whereas with the T300, it was finer, "0%, 1%, 2%......". There is clearly a sense of being able to get a response.

The T300's start-up programme is also free from strange quirks: with the T150, there were times when it would sometimes not respond, or it would stop recognising without warning and I would have to reinstall or reinsert the USB cable.

👆Setting programme. you can change the amount of rudder angle (←40-1080˚ in 10˚ increments!) ) and the strength of the FFB can be changed!!!


👆 Opening. Another difference from the T150 is that the wheel is separate and can be removed.


👆 Body.


Can be customised with other wheels, sold separately.


👆Default wheel on the left, add-on on the right which is sold separately .

Furthermore, it can even be replaced with a modified steering wheel, for example, for ordinary cars, although this is not recommended by the manufacturer. This is what makes the T300 unique. (see below)

👆The installation of a wheel from the manufacturer MOMO (see below for method).

It is also different from the T150 in that the pedals included are also quite sturdy. It also comes with a clutch, so an h-shifter makes steering more enjoyable. The G29 is also a degree standard, so it is recommended that many games are compatible with it.


◇No. 6 -- Thrustmaster's new middle-end version!!! thrustmaster T248

Amazon.com: T248P

Amazon.co.uk: T248P

Amazon.fr: T248P

This is another high-end type of Thrustmaster. And it is the most recent product with a launch date of 2 December 2021.

What makes it different from the T300 is that it has an LED display on the handle, which allows the user to check the RPM and feedback strength as appropriate. The T300 also has many buttons on the handle, making it very easy to use, which is also recommended.

The most important point is that, as it is the latest model, it has been perfected with the most feedback from customers and other feedback. On the other hand, it should be noted that the number of games that can be played with the newer models is reduced.


Should I buy separate pedals? What's better?

Thrustmaster sells a separate pedal called the T-LCM pedal.

-No, the pedal that comes by default (T3PA-GT pedal) is fine.

You would think. The separately sold pedals are about the same price as buying individual wheel controller, so for a long time I was hesitant to buy them because they were on my "buy later" list.

However, as soon as you are able to achieve a certain amount of time, you will feel the frustration of not being able to pedal properly. The day comes when you realise that you are clearly faster when you can adjust the so-called 'trail braking' and acceleration and deceleration more precisely.

And the default pedal (T3PA-GT), I'm not sure if it's dust or static electricity, but it sometimes seems to recognise that you've stepped on the pedal even though you haven't. Of course, you can take it apart and duster it, but if such symptoms occur, it's time to replace it in terms of your game skills.

👆 DiRT Rally 2.0 is a classic rally game. I couldn't turn these long corners in the Spanish stages at constant speed and was beginning to feel the difficulty of pedalling, when I saw a video of a good driver turning while maintaining 82 km/h while subtly opening and closing the accelerator, and finally put the T-LCM back in my cart from the 'buy later list'. It was.

👆arrived . The big box, the same size as a wheel set, undeniably made my heart flutter.

👆Opened. Comes with instructions and a spring to change the strength.

👆It is difficult to operate with the bag in place, so of course we took it out. Each pedal has a hole in it, but you can change the fastening position to make the pedal a little higher or a little sideways.

👆 Rear. The brake strength spring can be changed with a couple of minutes work.

👆Connection port. It's a bit hard to see, but you can connect to the Thrustmaster handheld from the included cable. In addition, if connected to a PC via a USB cable, pedal adjustments can be made from PC software and can also be used independently with another non-thrustmaster wheel.



Amazon.com: T-LCM

Amazon.co.uk: T-LCM

Amazon.fr: T-LCM

The first thing I called out when I tried it was "Yay! The first thing I called out when I tried it was "YAY!".

The common sales pitch for T-LCM pedals is that you can replace the force of the pedal with a spring. However, what I felt as a more concrete difference between the default pedal and the T-LCM pedal was the obvious difference in the recognition force and accuracy of the pedal.

The 'load cell', which electrically detects and displays force and mass, gives the feeling that it instantly reflects when the accelerator is at 80%, when it is at 90%, etc. (the default pedal is recognised by the amount of gear revolutions the pedal is depressed).

Simply put, with the default pedal, there was a feeling that the game recognised 80%, 90%, 100% and so on roughly, whereas with the T-LCM, it recognised 80%, 81%, 82% and so on in 1% increments, and this was instantaneously and clearly I was struck by the spectacular sensation that this was being conveyed to the game in a clear and instantaneous manner. This is what is called 'high resolution'.

As a result, it is possible to apply the brakes just a little, or half a brake, and so on. This allows for very precise driving manoeuvres. The game became even more interesting, not only because of the improved results in terms of time, but above all because the feeling of driving became stronger. This made the game even more interesting, thats why "YAY!!!"

cf.) What Is A Load Cell Sensor And How Does It Work? – Omega Engineering https://www.omega.com/en-us/resources/load-cells


Comparing Fanatec ClubSport V3 Pedals and Thrustmaster T-LCM Pedals!!!

By the way, feeling the importance of pedals, I also bought Fanatec ClubSport V3 pedals.

This is a comparison after using both for several months. 


◇Resolution and Load Cell

Regarding the resolution of both pedals, there is almost no difference between the V3 and T-LCM. Both have high resolution, allowing for precise operation. Moreover, both pedals employ load cell technology. A load cell is a sensor that converts load into an electrical signal, accurately measuring the force applied to the pedal.

By using a load cell, even if the brake pedal is not pressed deeply, the applied force is accurately conveyed. This makes it easy to apply full brakes instantly and smoothly operate light brakes. Load cell-type pedals easily convey the driver's intentions and provide a more realistic driving sensation.


◇Design and Structure
In terms of design, I feel that the Fanatec ClubSport V3 pedals excel. They feature high-quality aluminum pedal arms and a sturdy metal base, resulting in a highly refined design. On the other hand, while the T-LCM pedals are not bad, they do not match the V3 pedals in appearance and texture – Made in Germany indeed.

👆The back. It's a true Germany design where necessary materials are skillfully assembled. It feels like there's not a single unnecessary screw! However, since the greased parts are exposed, occasional maintenance is required. Lithium grease is included.

👆A vibration motor makes the pedal vibrate! However, the game must support this feature. In DiRT Rally, while the pedals are usable, they did not support vibration.

👆The back. You can connect directly to a PC from the part labeled "clubsport," and use it without a FANATEC steering wheel. All necessary cables are included.

👆Install the drivers. Adjusting the dead zone is intuitive and easy to change. If I were to be more demanding, it would have been even better if I could change the "sensitivity" settings (essentially making the initial input larger).


While the T-LCM pedals do offer excellent responsiveness and fine resolution, there is an issue of foot discomfort due to the pedal form.

● Pedal Height
● Pedal Angle
● Distance Between Pedals


◦ Pedal Height
The V3 pedals have a pedal shape that is more adaptable to the driver's foot length and preference. Although the TLCM can be adjusted, it may feel a bit high.

👆 The design of the accelerator pedal's bottom surface is convenient. Sometimes you may want to step on the lower part when you get tired, right? Since the pedal isn't strangely uneven, you can step on it without moving your heel and sliding it. TLCM's pedal may get caught and require some force to press.


◦ Pedal Angle
The V3 pedals have an easy-to-adjust angle feature, allowing you to customize them according to your driving style and preference. Furthermore, the design ensures the pedal pressure doesn't change even when the angle is adjusted. This is due to the properly positioned spring.

The T-LCM pedals can also have their angle changed, but adjusting the angle may cause the pedal pressure to change slightly. The pedal spring is positioned directly where the force is applied, causing the pedal to be accurately pressed only from specific angles. In this regard, the V3 pedals offer superior comfort.

👆 Can you see how the spring is attached oddly low? This position is actually excellent. It's difficult to explain well, but when the spring is attached higher on the pedal, it becomes difficult to press if not pressed from above that position. With the TLCM, when the pedal angle is changed, it feels like the spring isn't properly engaged, making your foot more prone to fatigue.

Additionally, the rod inside the spring can be inserted deeper or moved closer, allowing you to change the length of the rod, which in turn adjusts the depth at which you press the accelerator pedal. It's hard to put into words, so please watch the video.


◇Distance between pedals
Furthermore, it's not impossible to adjust the distance between the V3 pedals. Although it's not fundamentally possible and not recommended by the manufacturer, I was able to remove the clutch by unscrewing and disassembling it, then move the brake to that position.

👆Here's a video of someone disassembling their pedals. This person is an expert who made their own pipe to fix the pedal position. While it's true that making one yourself is ideal, I was able to securely fix the pedals using the existing pipes. In other words, I left the rear side of the rod without a pipe, making it loose, and tightly packed the front side of the rod with pipes to fix it in place.

👆This image shows the back part of the pipe being forcibly brought to the front. Personally, I find this very helpful. It completely eliminates the tightness in the crotch area during play, making my legs less tired.

When you remove the clutch, using left foot braking allows the driver to keep their legs apart, enabling a more natural driving posture. If you don't use the clutch pedal, you can widen the gap between the brake and accelerator pedals, allowing for even more comfortable operation. There are some people who use a stand for their steering wheel controller that has a pole between their legs, but even then, being able to separate the accelerator and brake is convenient.

Thanks to these improvements, the Fanatec ClubSport V3 pedals are comfortable to use even for extended periods. The flexibility to accommodate various drivers' preferences is a major appeal of these pedals.


◇There are also drawbacks

However, when compared to the TLCM, there are some disadvantages. These include a higher price, not being available for purchase from places like Amazon, and requiring more maintenance. Additionally, if you are using a Thrustmaster steering wheel controller, the convenience of being able to directly connect it to the wheel is slightly better. Occasionally, there are games that don't recognize the wheel and pedals separately.

Considering such factors together might help you make a better decision.


Other small tricks around the wheel controller!!

When you work with wheel controller equipment every day, various things can break down. This section introduces maintenance methods for such emergency situations.

※the products presented this section are from the Japanese Amazon. I am sure there are similar products on Amazon in your country, so look for them.


◇The chair is moving! →Replacing casters

When you are a beginner, it may not be a problem yet, but gradually you may start to worry about the chair moving backwards when you pedal.

In particular, there is a technique called left foot braking, which involves lightly braking with the left foot while not easing off the accelerator. This technique is used to keep the engine revs low so that the car can exit a corner better, or in high speed corners where only a little braking is required.

However, the moment both feet are on the pedal, the chair moves backwards as a matter of nature, as the ass takes full responsibility for holding on to the spot. Conversely, because the chair moves, the brakes cannot be applied as much as desired.

This is why the castors need to be replaced.

●AKRacing twin wheel casters with stoppers 

Amazon | AKRacing 

👆The caster was replaced. The caster can be removed simply by pulling. The diameter of the connection point is 11 mm. Basic casters tend to be implicitly standardised regardless of manufacturer. I have an Okamura (←Japanese usual chair maker) desk chair, which is perfectly normal, and I was able to use 11 mm casters. If you are unsure, take the current castors off and check with a ruler.

👆 switch stops the wheels from turning; just lowering three of the five castors will hold them in place quite stiffly. It is also significant that you can easily move the chair again when you are not playing games. This is because fully fixed casters can cause back pain.

👆In fact, I first bought one with fully fixed casters, but it was a big mistake because I couldn't easily move the chair while I was working, which doubled the strain on my back and eventually caused me to suffer from back pain. If you use your chair for other purposes as well, buy functional and durable casters from the beginning, even if they are a bit expensive, to avoid mistakes.


◇Clamps are broken! →Clamp screw replacement

When you are not using a stand for wheels, how you fix it is a very important issue. The clamps can shift during games due to force.

Of course, a clamp is fitted by default, which is fine, but if you turn the clamp too hard, the threads can be crushed. You can replace it with this clamp lever from good maker.  The screws are firm and of good quality.



The "M10" refers to the diameter of the screw (M for mm). The T300 can go with M10, but for other wheel, check the size of the screw with a ruler or something.

👆it's soooo gooood!!!!


◇The clamp is even more broken!!!! →Recoil.

The male screw can be easily replaced in the way described above, but the female screw is not so easy. 

Female screws can also be regenerated by means of recoiling. This is not a small trick, but a big one. It was quite a difficult task, which is why I wrote about it in a separate article.

👆sorry, Japanese article. But If this page which you see now is popular in foreign country, this japanese article will be also in English. so please promote my article often on Twitter etc.

● [Taiando] Recoil kit (M10 x P1.5)



◇The wheel still moves a little! →Replace the rubber.

The cause of the movement of the hankon is also related to the problem of the rubber part. In the default state, the rubber is attached with double-sided tape, so it is natural that it will come off soon. In such cases, use instant adhesive.

If the rubber is still stupid, we recommend using this sheet to rubberise the entire bottom surface.


●Hinode non-slip sheet, grey, 19cmx27.5cm, set of 4.



👆 The packaging is undeniably cheaply finished, but the product inside looks good. If this and the clamps are tight, they should be fairly immobile.


👆 The rubber with the clamp is scraped off with a design knife or similar. If you cover the holes with masking tape to prevent powder from getting inside, you are now a professional.

👆It may be a good idea to further widen the area where the rubber contacts the desk. Remove the bumps on the bottom by sanding to make it perfectly smooth.

👆Okay. Now increase the adhesive strength of the double-sided tape and

👆 stick it on and cut off the excess. But it was just about perfect with just one sheet, as if it was made for wheel controller.


◇The meters are hard to see! →Simhub

This is not really related to wheel, but the meters in car games are generally hard to see because they are located in the bottom right-hand corner.

In such cases, it is recommended to use Simhub to create a meter. A suitable HUD is distributed by the race department website.

SimHub, DIY Sim Racing Dash and Hardware – Bring Your Sim Racing Rig To Life

News | RaceDepartment

If you know how to make one, you can make one that allows you to see the gear, tachometer and speed clearly. I'll probably write about how to make one here soon, so check back from time to time.

👆I have been researching for over a year and have come to the point where I can make a HUD of a higher quality than the ones that are distributed anymore.


◇My computer is running too slow! →Electric duster.

When playing car games, it is the processing drop that is the most frightening. In car games, processing failures are the time drop. Especially in summer, PCs are prone to thermal runaway.

The best way is to buy a new PC, but it is not easy to buy a new PC.

The recommendation is not to buy a new PC or console, but to buy an air duster and CPU grease. The most important thing to do is to clean the PC thoroughly and replace the CPU cooler.


● Reesibi electric air duster.


👆This is super good! The airflow is sufficient and it doesn't run out like the can type, so you have to clean more often. I can even say that it has fundamentally changed my 'cleaning philosophy'. I also appreciate the attachment with a brush. Incidentally, it is also useful for removing dust from plastic modelling files.


●CPU grease MX-4/MX-5 grease


CPU grease is grease that is applied to the contact parts of the cooler and CPU. It is probably not surprising that if this dries out, the cooler will not cool down, unless you are a self-builder.

There are many different types of CPU grease on the market today, but the only difference is mainly the thermal conductivity, so basically any CPU grease can be used on any CPU. Therefore, the above products are reasonable in price and quality.

👆 Incidentally, graphic board also need to be cleaned and re-greased (but carefully, as some are difficult to disassemble).

It can be said that cleaning a PC regularly is even more important in gaming than maintaining a car. Especially when summer approaches, the graphics board is prone to high temperatures and such checks should be carried out often.


◇The game doesn't support my wheel controller! →Use x360ce

If you are using a PC, you can use the program x360ce to play any game with a wheel. Play all kinds of vehicles, from motorbike games to GTA and other FPS games, with a wheel controller!!!!!

👇For detailed instructions and how to do this, see separate article. Such as "MotoGP" series, how to play with a steering wheel, games that ONLY support gamepads???



👆T150. Some motorbike games can also be played with a wheel.

It is surprising that steering wheel games, which in the past were only available in game centres, can now be played for only a few tens of thousands of dollars. Furthermore, it is also recommended to use force feedback, which makes it harder or easier to turn the handlebars.

👆Da Vinci's notes also mention the wheel controller.

If you're on the fence, the Stratomaster T150 is the best choice for you right now, as it's a little harder to install and the price is kept low by not advertising as much.























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